Nodebots with NYJS

These slides:

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If you haven't already, install Node

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  • All event fees go to ScriptEd
  • ScriptEd teaches students in under-resourced schools to program and places their most successful students in paid summer internships in tech companies throughout NYC
  • To volunteer or find out more, visit

Huge thanks to our host, Yodle

Let's get started!

Our hardware

Our hardware

Kits may be missing equipment

If you have trouble finding a component, let us know and we'll get you a replacement

Not working?

Probably hardware!

Components We're Covering

  • LEDs (Light Emitting Diodes)
  • Buttons
  • Servos

Choose Your Own Adventure!

  • Select the components you're most interested in
  • Each component has diagrams, code snippets, and instructions for getting started
  • At the end of each component section there are a series of challenges that build on what you've just learned. Try to solve them without looking at the solutions!
  • If this is your first time, we strongly recommend starting with the LED section as it covers some basics like working with breadboards and the REPL

But you won't have to go it alone!

We have a bunch of mentors to help you out!

Feel free to flag us down with any questions you may have!

The last thing we need to do before we begin... pair up!

  • We recommend finding someone at a similar level as yourself
  • Once you find someone to work with, come grab a kit
  • Then, continue working through the slides

Install Node if you haven't already

Download Node

Make project directory

mkdir nodebots
cd nodebots

Install Johnny Five

            npm install johnny-five

Standard Firmata

  • Allows Johnny-Five to communicate with the Arduino over USB
  • Most of the Arduinos already have Standard Firmata installed from previous workshops
  • Let's check to make sure your Arduino already has Standard Firmata installed!

Connect the arduino

Create the file

  1. Go to your nodebots directory
  2. Create a file called test.js
  3. Copy the code below to it and save

var five = require("johnny-five");
var board = new five.Board();

board.on("ready", function() {

  var led = new five.Led(13);


Run the code

node test.js

This LED should be blinking every .5 seconds

If it works, continue on! →

If not, press ↓ for instructions on flashing your Arduino with Standard Firmata

How to flash your Arduino with Standard Firmata (Plus)

  1. Download the Arduino IDE
  2. Make sure your Arduino is connected via USB
  3. Open the Arduino IDE
  4. Select: File > Examples > Firmata > StandardFirmataPlus
  5. Select: Tools > Board > Arduino/Genuino Uno
  6. Select: Tools > Port > <your Arduino>
  7. Click the Upload Button
  8. Retry making that LED blink

Components We're Covering

  • LEDs (Light Emitting Diodes)
  • Buttons
  • Servos


Light Emitting Diodes

Identifying LED Pins

  • Long pin is positive (and goes to power)
  • Short pin is negative (and goes to ground)

Build This

Save this to a file and run it

var five = require("johnny-five");
var board = new five.Board();

board.on("ready", function() {

  var led = new five.Led(11);

  // "blink" the led in 500ms on-off phase periods
node blinky.js

If successful, you should see this

Changing the Blink Rate

  • You probably noticed the light blinks about every .5 seconds
  • Change the code to blink at a different rate and then rerun it to make sure it works
  • If you're stuck, press ↓ to see a potential solution

var five = require("johnny-five");
var board = new five.Board();

board.on("ready", function() {

  var led = new five.Led(11);

  // "blink" the led in 3000ms on-off phase periods
node blinky.js


  • Stands for Read Evaluate Print Loop
  • Allows us to type code in our terminal and see it affect our robots

Write and run this. Then, go on to the next slide.

var five = require("johnny-five");
var board = new five.Board();

board.on("ready", function() {
  var led = new five.Led(11);

    led: led
node led-repl.js

Type these commands in the REPL and watch how the LED changes

> led.on();


> led.blink();

> led.stop();

> led.pulse();

REPL Inject

The reason we're able to access the led object in the REPL is because of this bit of code in the previous example. It exposes the led object to our REPL session.

  led: led

Breadboards: Solderless wiring

Breadboards allow us to quickly wire components together for prototyping

Breadboards: Electrical Connections

  • Here you can see how the different rows and columns are connected.
  • If this is unclear, don't hesitate to do some Googling or ask a volunteer to explain them further.

Use your breadboard and a couple of wires (color doesn't matter) to build this

Now run one of your programs from before and make sure the LED still blinks

LED Challenges

Now that you've got the basics of LEDs, you can either move on to the next component, or work on some LED challenges

  • Press → to move on to the next component
  • Press ↓ to scroll through the LED challenges

LED Challenges

Try to solve them yourself before looking at the solution!

Press ↓ to scroll through the following challenges (and potential solutions)

  1. Multiple Lights
  2. Holiday Lights
  3. Binary Counter

1. Multiple Lights

Have 2 (or more) lights alternate blinking

Potential Multiple Lights Solution - Hardware

Potential Multiple Lights Solution - Code

var five = require("johnny-five");
var board = new five.Board();

board.on("ready", function() {

  var led1 = new five.Led(10);
  var led2 = new five.Led(11);
  var flag = false;

  setInterval(function() {
    if (flag) {
    } else {;

    flag = !flag;
  }, 500);

2. Holiday Lights

Make an LED (or multiple LEDs) go through different settings like some holiday lights do. It should change the setting every few seconds. Below are some example settings. You can see an example on the next slide.

  • Off
  • Solid
  • Blinking
  • Pulsing (fading in and out)
  • Different speeds of blinking, pulsing, or alternating
  • Alternating which lights are on

2. Holiday Lights

Potential Holiday Lights Solution - Hardware

Potential Holiday Lights Solution - Code

var five = require("johnny-five");
var board = new five.Board();

board.on("ready", function() {
  var led = new five.Led(11);
  var setting = 0;

  setInterval(function() {
    led.stop();  // If we call pulse, we need to stop it
    switch (setting) {
      case 0:
      case 1:;
      case 2:
    setting = (setting + 1) % 3;
  }, 3000);

2. Holiday Lights (Bonuses)

  1. Expose a function to the REPL that allows you to switch to the next setting from the REPL
  2. Add a button that when pressed will go to the next setting (NOTE: you should complete the Button Component slides before attempting this)

Potential Holiday Lights Bonus 1 Solution - Hardware

Potential Holiday Lights Bonus 1 Solution - Code

var five = require("johnny-five");
var board = new five.Board();

board.on("ready", function() {
  var led = new five.Led(11);
  var setting = 0;

  function changeSetting() {
    led.stop();  // If we call pulse, we need to stop it
    switch (setting) {
      case 0:
      case 1:;
      case 2:
    setting = (setting + 1) % 3;

    cs: changeSetting  // Now we can call cs() from the REPL

Potential Holiday Lights Bonus 2 Solution

You're on your own for this one!

3. Binary Counter

Using 3 LEDs, count from 0 to 7 in binary as shown below. On represents 1 and off repesents 0.

Potential Binary Counter Solution - Hardware

Potential Binary Counter Solution - Code

var five = require("johnny-five");
var board = new five.Board();

board.on("ready", function() {
  var led1 = new five.Led(9);
  var led2 = new five.Led(10);
  var led3 = new five.Led(11);
  var num = 0;

  setInterval(function() {
    var binary = (num).toString(2);

    binary.slice(-1)     === "1" ? led1.on() :;
    binary.slice(-2, -1) === "1" ? led2.on() :;
    binary.slice(-3, -2) === "1" ? led3.on() :;

    num = (num + 1) % 8;
  }, 1000);

3. Binary Counter (Bonus)

Allow the user to enter a number through the REPL and display it in binary on the LEDs

Potential Binary Counter Bonus Solution

You're on your own for this one!

Components We're Covering

  • LEDs (Light Emitting Diodes)
  • Buttons
  • Servos


Build This

Save this to a file and run it

var five = require("johnny-five");
var board = new five.Board();

board.on("ready", function() {
  var button = new five.Button(2);

  button.on("press", function() {
    console.log("Button Pressed!");

  button.on("hold", function() {
    console.log("Button Held!");

  button.on("release", function() {
    console.log("Button Released!");
node button.js

Try pressing, releasing, and holding the button

You should see some output like this in the REPL

>> Button Pressed!
Button Released!
Button Pressed!
Button Released!
Button Pressed!
Button Held!
Button Held!
Button Released!

Let's add an LED!

Save this to a file and run it

var five = require("johnny-five");
var board = new five.Board();

board.on("ready", function() {
  var led = new five.Led(11);
  var button = new five.Button(2);

  button.on("press", function() {

  button.on("hold", function() {

  button.on("release", function() {
node button_led.js

The LED should go on when you press, off when you release, and blink when you hold

Button Challenges

Now that you've got the basics of buttons, you can either move on to the next component, or work on some button challenges

  • Press → to move on to the next component
  • Press ↓ to scroll through the button challenges

Button Challenges

Try to solve them yourself before looking at the solution!

Press ↓ to scroll through the following challenges (and potential solutions)

  1. Light Switch
  2. Passcode
  3. Holiday Lights

1. Light Switch

Have pressing a button alternate turning an LED on and off

Potential Light Switch Solution - Hardware

Potential Light Switch Solution - Code

var five = require("johnny-five");
var board = new five.Board();

board.on("ready", function() {
  var led = new five.Led(11);
  var button = new five.Button(2);
  var on = false;

  button.on("press", function() {
    if (on) {;
    } else {

    on = !on;

2. Passcode

Have 2 buttons and 1 LED. Make it so you have to press the buttons in a certain order to turn the LED on.

Potential Passcode Solution - Hardware

Potential Passcode Solution - Code

var five = require("johnny-five");
var board = new five.Board();

board.on("ready", function() {
  var led = new five.Led(11);
  var button1 = new five.Button(2);
  var button2 = new five.Button(4);

  var passcode = "12112";
  var presses = "";

  button1.on("press", function() {
    presses += "1";
    if (presses.indexOf(passcode) > -1) {

  button2.on("press", function() {
    presses += "2";
    if (presses.indexOf(passcode) > -1) {

3. Holiday Lights

Make an LED (or multiple LEDs) go through different settings like some holiday lights do. It should change the setting every time the button is pressed. Below are some example settings.

  • Off
  • Solid
  • Blinking
  • Pulsing (fading in and out)
  • Different speeds of blinking, pulsing, or alternating
  • Alternating which lights are on

Potential Holiday Lights Solution

You're on your own for this one!

Components We're Covering

  • LEDs (Light Emitting Diodes)
  • Buttons
  • Servos


Take your servo and add one of the attachments to it

Build This

Save this to a file and run it

var five = require("johnny-five");
var board = new five.Board();

board.on("ready", function() {

  var servo = new five.Servo(11);

    servo: servo
node servo.js

Type these commands in the REPL and watch how the servo reacts

>;   // Move to 10 degrees

>;  // Move to 200 degrees

> servo.value;    // Get current position

> servo.min();

> servo.max();

> servo.range;


> servo.sweep();

> servo.stop();

Servo Challenges

Now that you've got the basics of servos, you can either move on to the next component, or work on some servo challenges

  • Press → to move on to the next component
  • Press ↓ to scroll through the servo challenges

Servo Challenges

Try to solve them yourself before looking at the solution!

Press ↓ to scroll through the following challenges (and potential solutions)

  1. Sprinkler
  2. Arrows
  3. Button

1. Sprinkler

Make the servo rotate back and forth like a sprinkler

Potential Sprinkler Solution - Hardware

Potential Sprinkler Solution - Code

var five = require("johnny-five");
var board = new five.Board();

board.on("ready", function() {

  var servo = new five.Servo(11);
  var min = servo.range[0];
  var max = servo.range[1];
  var value = min;

  function step() {;
    value = (value + 45) % max;
    setTimeout(step, 500);


2. Arrows

Make pressing the left arrow button rotate the servo one way and pressing the right arrow button rotate the other way

Potential Arrows Solution - Hardware

Potential Arrows Solution - Code

npm install keypress

var five = require("johnny-five");
var keypress = require("keypress");
var board = new five.Board();

board.on("ready", function() {

  var servo = new five.Servo(11);

  process.stdin.on("keypress", function(ch, key) {
    if (key && === "left") {
    } else if (key && === "right") {


3. Button

Have the servo sweep while a button is held down

Potential Button Solution - Hardware

Potential Button Solution - Code

var five = require("johnny-five");
var board = new five.Board();

board.on("ready", function() {
  var servo = new five.Servo(11);
  var button = new five.Button(2);

  button.on("press", function() {

  button.on("release", function() {

Uh oh! We ran out of slides! Feel free to try out some of the other components in your kit while we add more!

Wrapping Up